If you want to see my before and after pictures from my liposuction journey- as well as get all of my best tips for a successful liposuction surgery then keep reading!
Here is my liposuction story! I had two rounds of liposuction done from Onyx medical. The first round I had my inner things, inner knees, and outer thighs done. My second round I had my lower abdomen, flanks, and lower back done. Between the two rounds I lost 20.5 inches over all! I am so happy with my decision to do liposuction. Genetics and childbirth played a huge role in where I carried most of my weight and it felt like no matter what I did there were certain places on my body that I could not get to be smaller while living a healthy non-restrictive lifestyle.
It’s so nice knowing that I can continue on my health journey without feeling like I need to go to crazy and reach unhealthy lengths to get smaller just in certain areas of my body. I can now focus on health and getting STRONGER instead of smaller and that makes me so happy!
One thing that is really important to realize about liposuction is that it’s simply body contouring. It isn’t meant to remove larger amounts of fat. It will just simply contour what you already have there which I liked! I like that my body still looks like my body, it’s just slightly smaller in some areas.
You can watch my reel that I posted on my Instagram- this talks about what the first 7 days after having awake liposuction looks like. Here’s the caption as well:
Here’s some very realistic behind the scenes of what the first 7 days after getting awake liposuction looks like!
Day 1– Prepare for a lot of leaking of fluids. It’s completely normal but I don’t think I realized just how much leaking there would be! You will need to put down a pad to soak up the fluid wherever you sit for the first few days.
You’ll be in a very tight compression garment provided by Onyx Medical. I suggest getting two because you need to wear it 24/7 for at least 30 days and as you can see- it can get messy.
You will need a ride to and from the procedure as well as help once you get home!
Day 2– I had my first lymphatic massage. Onyx Medical offers 5 free lymphatic massages to their liposuction patients!
Day 3– The most painful day. Walking helps A TON. I found that the more I moved the better I actually felt and the faster I healed. Starting Day 2 of the procedure I walked a mile every day as part of my recovery plan.
Day 4– I was also able to carry Emmie pretty good by this day. I was rolling 10 times a day. It’s painful but SO IMPORTANT. @onyx will explain to you why this is crucial. They also will provide a roller to you.
Day 5– me trying to make the bed was comical. Bending over was still hard by day 5.
I was also still leaking fluid but not much.
Day 6– this is me getting in the car still slow but moving around good! Going from sitting to standing was by far the most painful part of my healing.
Day 7– I had another lymphatic massage. These are very important for your healing! I was still leaking fluid out of two ports at this point. The rest of them had closed up by day 7.
Here are my before and afters:
What Onyx Medical provides:
- Bandages, gauze, tape and refills of them if you need.
- Liposuction foam
- 1 compression garment
- Pads to soak up excess leaking fluid
- Roller
- They will prescribe narcotics and antibiotics to you for the procedure.
- 5 lymphatic massages
What I purchased that helped my healing:
- Tylenol (I did not take any narcotics. I just used Tylenol the whole time)
- Arnica +12 (put this on my liposuction areas twice a day)
- Nervive (put this on my liposuction areas twice a day)
- A second compression garment- You can buy a second one from Onyx Medical for a lot cheaper than you can find on Amazon. If you buy it straight from Onyx then you know it will be medical grade compression and exactly what you need as well.
- Dry brush
Things I did a week before my surgery that made our lives so much easier!
- Prepared two weeks of freezer dinners.
- Premade my kids lunches for two weeks.
- Dry brushed once a day
- Upped my water intake by 2-3 cups a day
- Wrote out detailed instructions for the whole day of my surgery. You really are out of it for several hours afterwards and if anyone asks you anything the day of your surgery there’s a chance you will not have a clue how to answer or the answer you give will be silly. I made sure that I had everything written out and sent to my husband and my mom, who were my helpers and my kids’ helpers the day of my surgery.
- Arranged rides for myself and my kids for the first 24 hours post procedure.
- Pre-ordered Costavida (for myself and my husband) and McDonalds (for my kids) for my husband to pick up the day of my surgery so I didn’t even have to tell him what I wanted to eat or give him my order when I was loopy.
Here’s a before and after between my two liposuction sessions. The first picture “before” is after I got my legs done, the second one “after” was after I got my abdomen done. There’s about 7 months between the two photos.
Here are my before and after photos from my before very first liposuction procedure and the after is from after both procedures!
I truly hope that this post is helpful for anyone looking to get liposuction done! If you want to go to Onyx Medical then you can use the code “whitjxoxo” for a special deal! Please let me know if you have any questions at all- I am an open book and would be happy to answer.