One of the hardest parts of having twin babies & a toddler is getting out the door. Here are my best tips on getting out the door with three kids under three!
I am going to be 100% honest with you, after I had the twins I was HORRIBLE at getting out the door. Like 45 minutes late to a play date, kind of horrible. After having a good heart to heart with my husband, I decided that it was TIME to figure out how to get out the door with three kids under three. Clearly, I just needed to adapt to my new situation and I hadn’t learned the vital skills that I needed to yet but why wait to learn them! I was so sick of being late to everything.
I can proudly say that although I still struggle with being on time to everything, I have gotten WAY way way better and usually if I’m late now it’s less than 5 minutes.
Here are my top 5 tips on getting out the door with three kids under three:
1. Keep a list of items you need for the standard outing in your phone
I love this because it helps me pack for my upcoming outing without even thinking because I already thought about it! My list changes based on the season I’m in. Sometimes I will need coats and other times I need the stroller fan but the list ALWAYS helps me not forget vital items for my outing.
2. Pack your bag the night before
Think of all you could possibly need for your kiddos for wherever you are going and gather it the night before. Even go as far as setting clothes and shoes out so you don’t even have to think when you’re getting everyone ready!
3. Keep snacks, diapers, and wipes in your bag so you can leave on a whim if you need to.
My VERY favorite on the go snacks are Slammers Snacks you can use the store locator on their website to find them in-store or even purchase them on Amazon!
I love these snacks because they don’t need to be kept in the refrigerator but they are 100% organic, made with top quality ingredients and they taste DELICIOUS my kids love them and SO DO I! This means that when I’m running on the go and forget to feed myself (which happens more than I would like to admit) I can grab a Slammers Snack for myself and I love it!
4. Don’t overthink, overpack, and over plan
I have been so guilty of this my whole entire life. I go to leave the house and all of a sudden I feel like I need to grab ANOTHER coat because what if I need a second coat to go to the grocery store? No. This is not necessary! Pack the night before and call it good, trust yourself!
5. Learn to leave
This is a lesson that I have had to learn the hardest way and I’m still learning it every single day. You need to be okay with leaving the house a mess even if you don’t like it. To do minimal makeup even if you wish you could do the full face, etc. Sometimes mornings don’t quite go as planned. You were on your way out the door and realied that your babies pooped their pants so you have to change that instead of cleanign up breakfast, etc. Like I said, I still struggle with this but the times I have just left on time without finishing ALL of the things before I leave I have felt a lot better not having to rush or apologize for being late when I get there.
I hope these tips help- they may have been no brainers to you but I have definitely had to learn them the hard way! Do you have any good tips on getting out the door with little ones? I would love to hear them in the comments!