1. My Healthy Body
Sometimes I am so mean to my body, telling it it’s not pretty enough, needs to be smaller here, or tighter there. That’s such an ungrateful attitude to have towards the thing that protects me and works so hard to keep me a live every single day. I feel so privileged to have a body that allows me to do jumping jacks with my 4th graders during their “brain break” and work out every day (although lets be real, I don’t always love it). I realize that there are many people, even people at my age, whose bodies will not allow them to do those things. As cold and flu season approaches and I am gearing up for my annual cold or flu, I am so grateful that my body has the strength to fight off those sicknesses. How amazing are our bodies?
2. My Friends
There was a time back in high school where friends wouldn’t have even been on my top twenty for my thankful list. I had a really rough time my senior year and at times was so worried that I would never be the type of person who had very many friends. Because after all, your friends from high school are your core group of friends forever, right? Wrong. Well at least for some people (like me). I feel so blessed to have met my best friends after high school. Some of my best friends came from college, this fun blogging adventure, my work, and through meeting my hubs. My best friends in my life today are people that I know for an absolute fact I couldn’t live without. They are the type of friends that you can go months without seeing and when you finally see them it feels like its only been a day. I feel so blessed to have each and every one of them in my life. If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self I would tell me to stop stressing because the best years of life and the best friends of life are right around the corner.
3. My Country
This week has been one for the record books. From veterans day to the horrible, heart breaking things happening over in Europe, I have never been more proud to be an American. I truly love this country and the countless men and women who fight each day to defend our freedom. Ever since I was in 5th grade when the 9/11 attacks happened, the word “American” has taken on a whole different meaning to me. This may sound weird but I feel fortunate to have been old enough to remember that day. I will never forget how inspiring it was to see this whole country join together and become one, all of use supporting and loving one another. I love that I can now teach my students about that day and how truly wonderful it is to be Americans. I love that through these tragedies happening in Paris and other places we have all joined together and started to #prayforparis.
This linkup has already been life changing for me. I find myself thinking throughout the week of what I am most thankful for. It is helping me become a better person and way less complacent. Please join! I would absolutely love to read your post. Just copy and paste the link below into your post and then let me know so I can read it :). Have a wonderful Sunday!

Link Up Rules:
1) Please subscribe to or follow your host and co-host’s of the week. (first 3 links)
2) Visit and comment on at least 5 other blogs. This link up is meant to create a blog community so don’t be shy!
3) In your post, please either share The”Thankful Heart” button above by inserting the code or link back to this post on your blog post.
4) Make your post more appealing and creative by adding whatever pictures you please and as many reasons to be thankful as you’d like! (remember that the post you link up should be about what you are thankful for!)
4) Make your post more appealing and creative by adding whatever pictures you please and as many reasons to be thankful as you’d like! (remember that the post you link up should be about what you are thankful for!)
(#5 is optional but, very much recommended!)
5) Share your post on instagram using #thankfulheartseries (with your choice of picture) and go check out other posts! Be a friend and comment on or like their posts 🙂
LOVE this!! I agree so much on everything! Your posts are so uplifting and I am so happy you’re joining this link up 🙂
Also that picture of us! So cute 🙂
Oh my gosh, I absolutely love you!! And yeah…that picture is beyond my fave!! I just don’t know what I would do without you!